v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
Books have changed.
Not the words but how books are shared.
This simple reading program is going to help you make the most of electronic format classic books.
You can share them through your website too.
Many people are saying, "Electronic reading is hard."
And they're mostly right.
But using this Java applet these books almost read themselves.
You doubt it - well try it right now.
Open Charles Dickens' Christmas Carol now.
Experiment with the option controls.
See for yourself how you could enjoy these books for hours.
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
Everyone is different.
You have your favorite colors, unique eyesight, room lighting and so on.
Old fashioned books, printed on paper, can't adapt to you personally.
But this Java eBook reading program does.
That's its beauty.
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
Choose your best font with a mouse click.
The book redraws itself at once using the new font.
Change the print height for greatest comfort.
The book redraws again.
Now change the colors.
Black and white are excellent in bright sunlight.
Blues and greens might be better in the evening.
Do you like parallel margins?
Justify or don't, it's up to you.
Each time you change an option or turn a page the book redraws itself.
It's the next best thing to a talking book.
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
《幼学求源》_国学频道__中国青年网 - Youth.cn:2021-3-24 · 《幼学求源》,明伕程登吉撰,字允升,自署西昌人。 此书原名《幼学须知》,又名《成语考》(署明景泰年间进士邱浚编)。清伕则有邹圣脉(字梧冈)为之増补、注释,取名《幼学故事琼林》。
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
Do you have a website or a home page?
You can increase your traffic by hosting classic books.
Get your one-time visitors coming back again and again.
Find out more.
Click Here
Now find a free book to read.
See for yourself if these books are so good they almost read themselves.
Search the library.
Click Here
v2ray节- 爬墙专用加速器
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